Configuring SSL step by step for Liferay DXP Cloud & Liferay DXP

Configuring SSL step by step for Liferay DXP Cloud & Liferay DXP

Please follow each step to learn how to configure the SSL Liferay DXP server.

Liferay DXP Cloud:

DXP Cloud accepts only keys and certificates in proper PEM format with Base64 encoding which must include encapsulation boundaries.

To add a single SSL certificate to the LCP.json file:

  1. Add secret variables for crt and key values to your chosen environment.
  2. In the LCP.json file of your project repository’s webserver, add an object of SSL inside the load balancer object with crt and key values refering to the secret keys you have added:
  3. { 
        "loadbalancer": { 
           “ssl": { 
              "key": "@ssl-key-secret", 
              "crt": "@ssl-crt-secret" 
  4. This ssl object will create a single custom SSL certificate mapping to all the custom domains in this specific environment.

Mapping multiple SSL certificates to custom domains:

You can use the certs property instead of ssl object to map different SSL certificates to multiple custom domains.

Create a list of certificates you want to use in the certs property.

Group the crt and key values for each certificate with their respective custom domains:

"loadbalancer": { 
"certs": [ 
"customDomains": [""], 
"key": "...", 
"crt": "..." 
"customDomains": [""], 
"key": "...", 
"crt": "..." 

Liferay DXP with Nginx:

If you are using Liferay DXP with Nginx, you must configure the SSL in your nginx server.

To configure HTTPS server through Nginx, the ssl parameter must be enabled on listening sockets in the server block and the locations of the crt and key file should be specified:

server { 
    listen                         443 ssl; 
    server_name  ; 
    ssl_certificate ; 
    ssl_protocols           TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; 
    ssl_ciphers               HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5; 

The server certificate is a public entity. It is sent to every client that connects to the server. The private key is a secure entity and should be stored in a file with restricted access, however, it must be readable by nginx’s master process. The private key may alternately be stored in the same file as the certificate:


in which case the file access rights should also be restricted. Although the certificate and the key are stored in one file, only the certificate is sent to a client.

The directives ssl_protocols and ssl_ciphers can be used to limit connections to include only the strong versions and ciphers of SSL/TLS. By default nginx uses “ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2” and “ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5”, so configuring them explicitly is generally not needed. Note that default values of these directives were changed several times.

Generating an SSL Certificate:

You will need to convert the pfx file of the certificate to the crt and key files

Generating an SSL Certificate:

You will need to convert

Convert pfx to crt:

< openssl pkcs12 -in [yourfile.pfx] -clcerts -nokeys -out [drlive.crt] >

Convert pfx to private key:

< openssl pkcs12 -in [yourfile.pfx] -nocerts -out [drlive.key] >

Decrypt the private key:

< openssl rsa -in [drlive.key] -out [drlive-decrypted.key] >

For DXP cloud, you need to convert the crt and decrypted key to base64 format:

< openssl base64 -in originalkeyfile.key -out base64keyfile.key > 
< openssl base64 -in originalcertfile.crt -out base64certfile.crt > 

Here concludes the process of configuring the Liferay DXP SSL server. Check out our repository to learn about the challenging Liferay DXP programming questions that may help programmers.

Reach out to us if there is any consultation and implementation need.

Importance of Customer Portal for Bank and Financial Organizations

Though Banks and Non-banking financial companies are differentiated by their offerings of the different banking services or financial services, the core purpose of customer portals – a vital domain of the digital transformation strategy, is to serve customers digitally making their journey seamless and uninterrupted. 

Nowadays, banks are targeting self-service customer portals where the customer can access all the services and their information from a single place. Providing a high-quality user experience helps companies to improve their retention rates hastily.

Read through the blog to understand how empowering customers with self-service is important

There are many use cases where the companies using legacy systems present a set of limited capabilities and inconsistent experiences to the customer which leads to an unsatisfactory customer experience. Whereas there are cases where the companies fail to create a community around their brand in terms of reinforcing the customer to believe that they have chosen the right decision when using the services of the company.

Another way of setting the importance of customer self-service is to be proactive in filling the gaps in the journey and anticipate the customer needs meanwhile saving the company money and time. For instance, generating a card or welcome letter as soon as the user registers on the portal and provides its delivery address.

Some of the effective results that can be achieved with a customer self-service portal are – 

  • Decrease volume of support calls – Ease of access to support and information in a single window, thus decreasing the call volumes of financial consultants.
  • Increase in client activity – Establishing credibility and trust around the customer increases client activity.
  • Decrease in response time – Access to information leads to a decrease in response time as most of the information is being published on the portal itself.
  • Increase in total volume handled by the company – Total support calls decrease enabling the companies to handle a load of customers in lieu of the support budget.
  • Decrease in total support costs – The support budget decreases by half enabling the company to provide a seamless experience to the customer at the same cost.
  • Increase in client satisfaction – Positive customer experience results in an increase in client satisfaction and gives power to a customer to find a solution to their query by themselves.

These are some of the ways in which many organizations are keeping themselves apart from competitors and understand the long-term benefits of using self-service portals.

Customer self-service portals are one of the vital digital transformation solutions. Customer Portal with self-service functionality is prevalent in organizations across industries. We at ContCentric have been digitally transforming organizations on the global front and we have a portfolio of companies that are benefiting with the help of our solutions on digital transformation with Liferay DXP. Reach out to learn more!


How to Fix Liferay 7.3 and 7.4 Theme Build and Deploy Issue  

Themes are created using the Liferay Theme Generator. Liferay DXP 7.3 uses version 10. x.x of Theme Generator. 


To create themes for DXP 7.0 or 7.1, install version 8.x.x of the Theme Generator. Themes for older versions of Liferay DXP can be generated using previous versions of the Liferay Theme Generator. 

When you create a Liferay theme with 10.x.x of theme generator and try to build and deploy the theme you might face issues, follow the steps mentioned below guided by the screenshots to fix the issue. 
Click here for Liferay 7.3 theme generator

To fix theme build and deploy issues, you need to follow the steps below

1) Open the package.json file and make the changes as shown below. 

File path: themes/x-theme/package.json 

For the DevDependencies section, we will need to change the below-mentioned three property versions. 


"liferay-frontend-theme-styled": "5.0.0", 

"liferay-frontend-theme-unstyled": "5.0.0", 

"liferay-theme-tasks": "^10.0.2", 

2) Remove node-modules, dist and build folder. 

3) Run the below command. 

npm install -g yo gulp 

4) Install node 12.22.2 

5) Install npm with the command- 

npm install 

6) Now run the command. 

npm build 

npm deploy 

That’s all, a simple guide to fixing the theme generator issue in Liferay DXP. Are you facing any other issues with Liferay development or implementation? Check out our repository or reach out to us at We can consult on the business solutions with Liferay implementations. 

How to Upgrade Liferay DXP From 7.3 GA1 to SP3 Version? 

Here is the easy step-by-step guide to changing the Liferay version from GA1 to SP3. Follow these clear as crystal steps to change the version.  

Step-1: Keep the backup of the previous Liferay DXP bundle and backup the old database file. 

Step-2: Create a new database and import the database file which you have updated. 

Step-3: Download Liferay bundle sp3-version. 

Step-4: Replace the data folder with the old data folder. 

Step-5: Start the server. 

Step-6: Install Fix Pack and Hotfix 


Step-2: Keep the backup of your existing environment before installing the fix. 

Step-3: Stop the application server. 

Step-4: Open the terminal and navigate to the [LIFERAY_HOME/patching-tool] folder. 

Step-5: If any patches are available then run the command “./ revert” to uninstall all the previous patches. Make sure that the previous patch has been uninstalled successfully. 

Step-6: Now completely remove the [LIFERAY_HOME/patching-tool] folder. 

Step-7: Unzip the Liferay DXP Patching Tool 3.0.32 file at [LIFERAY_HOME] where data, deploy folders are present. Also, make sure after unzipping we take the inner folder which is “patching-tool”

Step-8: Open the Command Prompt from the [Liferay_Home/patching-tool] folder. 

Step-9: Now run the command “./ auto-discovery” 

Step-10: After then Place into the ${LIFERAY_HOME}/patching- tool/patches directory. 

Step-11: Now run the command “./ info” to make sure that the hotfix and fix pack are within that folder. 

Step-12: Now run the command “./ install” to install the hotfix and fix pack. 

Step-13: Now run the command “./ info” again to make sure that the patch has been applied successfully. 

Step-14: Clean up the cache folders within DXP’s [LIFERAY_HOME]:

    • Delete the [LIFERAY_HOME/osgi/state] folder
    • Delete the [LIFERAY_HOME/work] folder  
    • Delete the [LIFERAY_HOME/<tomcat-version>/temp] folder  
    • Delete the [LIFERAY_HOME/<tomcat-version>/work] folder 

Step-15: Finally, now Start the application server.  

Step-7: Upgrade Database Steps 

Step-1: Take the new Liferay 7.2 instance. 

Step-2: Copy Data File in an instance. 

Step-3: Create file “” at [Liferay Home]/osgi/config] 

Step-4: Go to [Liferay Home]/tools/portal-tools-db-upgrade-client] 

Step-5: run command “ ./” 

Step-6: Enter required details (Change if want) 

    • Enter postgresql database server name 
    • Enter ip address (uat/prod/local) 
    • Enter database name: database name 
    • Enter user name: username 
    • Enter password: password 

Step-7: Restart the application server. 

Step-8: Replace Liferay 

    • change database name and add Liferay home path. 

Step-9: Replace Liferay 

    • change all changes that have done pervious bundle. 

Step-10: add all jar file and license key in osgi/modules folder. 

Step-11: add war file osgi/war folder. 

Troubleshooting steps: 

  • Replace old file in osgi/config folder
  • Remove jar file and redeploy 

Here you complete the version change from ga1 to sp3. Follow these steps to install and download the files hassle-free

Looking for a development partner for your Liferay implementation and development needs?
Connect with us to Upgrade and Migrate your legacy portal on Liferay.


Five Key Elements of UX Fundamentals

Whether you know what UX is and the fundamentals of it, or just like any other person confused between UI and UX, we will get it all covered here. Most of us have heard the terms UI/UX together only, and it’s pretty obvious to get confused between the two. Here we will cover all fundamental information to get clear insights into UX.  

What is UX? 

Defining UX, “User Experience” refers to how people interact with any product. 

UX design is the process of creating products (digital or physical) that are practical and usable. Creating an enhanced experience for the user and making the product accessible is all about user experience. 

Key Principles of UX 

There are various UX principles we need to keep in mind while delivering any product, but you can internalize a handful of key ideas and apply them to your designs. Below are key principles that may help in your product user experience. 


First and foremost is creating empathic designs. With empathy, designers can put themselves into users’ shoes, what problems they are facing and in need of solutions to that in their routine.  



The other most crucial element is accessibility. Since we design products for people, Our product must be capable of being used by as many people as possible. Designing with accessibility in mind enables people to perceive, comprehend, interact with, and contribute to the web. 


No matter how aesthetically pleasing your design looks, it won’t help users get a magnifying experience till it’s easy to understand and use. A big part of UX design is to make services and products that are simple to use for people of all ages, abilities, and groups.  


Users expect products to share some similarities with other products they have used in the past; this makes it easy for them to get familiar with the new product without any additional learning costs.   

Validation and confirmation 

Validation is an important part of the UX process. Preventing errors should be the key goal of any designer. Any inputs that the website is taking from users such as form fields or OTP in payment gateways, captcha needs to be validated and confirmed.  


Keeping these five – Empathy, Accessibility, Usability, Consistency, and, Validation & Confirmation in mind, a seamless experience can be offered to the users with the designed product/service. We at ContCentric, believe in designing a digital transformation solution that can prove to provide a world-class experience to the users throughout the journey. Reach out to us today.   

Future-Proof Your Business: A Robust & Secure Cloud-Based Solution

Changing times leading to evolving technologies

The idea about future-proofing your business has to be considered hand-in-hand while still gearing up with the digital transformation initiatives. There has never been a more urgent need to future-proof your business because of the digital disruptions and unprecedented times.  

Though the global giants have already been on the path of digitization for more than a decade, there has continually been an evolution in the business processes and business landscape. Today, enterprises across industries understand the humongous benefits of digitization. Leaders around the world believe that there is no choice but to digitize. 

Yet more evolution and robust digital initiatives are a must in order for organizations to be future-ready in these disrupting times. Now, when disruption is a new reality, resilient and antifragile solutions are essential for business continuity.  

Technological solutions have helped many industries to carry on as usual during the covid 19 pandemic. In order to combat such uncertain times having understood the significance of the technological implementations, a business’s IT budget has increased manyfold, only to get back higher returns as well as in short order.  

Below are the challenges enterprises face in their journey toward digital transformation, which isn’t static and continually evolving. The challenges mentioned below if kept in mind to prepare a roadmap would future-proof the business. 

Critical challenges digital leaders face in adopting advanced technology 

  • The biggest hindrance in the digital transformation journey is legacy infrastructure. To find a solution flexible enough that can integrate with legacy systems. To decide upon exact infrastructure needs while keeping mobile-first and cloud-first approach 
  • Modernizing technology for better deployment
    • To find a secure, open-platform cloud solution supplemented with disaster recovery and security 
    • And, a solution that can manage and analyze structured as well as unstructured data 
  • To design a robust cloud strategy and data & analytics strategy 

The Three Pillars to Future-Proof Your Business

In 2022, the three bases to back the organization to be future-ready are –  

  • Cloud  
  • Cutting-edge technologies like AI, ML, IoT 
  • Advanced Analytics 

Data is increasing at an unprecedented rate. This digital era brings the challenge to hone the technological skills to house the data, process it, and analyze it in order to make efficient decisions making, and optimize the business processes. Cloud computing proves to be an innovative, highly scalable, and secure solution.  

Everyone is producing so much content today, besides enterprises already have massive amounts of legacy data. It is definitely not the case with every enterprise to inculcate on-premise/private data centers. Whereas the economy is shifting towards the public cloud which is a cost-efficient, highly reliable, and future-proof option.  

With inappropriate infrastructure support, businesses are able to analyze only 2% of the data. 

Adopting cloud services is a new normal 

Cloud adoption can help businesses –  

  • Accelerate time-to-market 
  • Reduce infrastructure responsibility 
  • Ensure business continuity 

Liferay Experience Cloud

Building digital experiences that form a seamless journey with respect to customers’ needs and demands is crucial. Liferay Experience Cloud is a streamlined and robust platform to deliver effective digital solutions. Liferay DXP + Cloud with built-in analytics and B2B commerce functionalities is a full-pack solution called Liferay Experience Cloud.  

Organizations can benefit from the robust capabilities of the digital experience platform and must not worry about the upgrade, security, maintenance of the solutions, and hosting on the cloud infrastructure. This dramatically reduces implementation time and eliminates upgrade & maintenance, and infrastructure costs. This cloudification of business storage and computation comes with the benefits of security and disaster recovery.  

ContCentric is a digital solutions implementation company. We are a Gold Liferay Partner. We can help you with digital transformation solutions and cloud solutions on top of Liferay. Reach out to us to transform your business and future-proof it!  


Liferay Commerce for an enhanced B2B Commerce Experience 

In this blog, we begin with B2B eCommerce, its entire customer journey, and the importance of the B2B customer experience, eventually covering how the Liferay Commerce platform can boost the entire commerce experience. 

B2B eCommerce and its Customer Journey 

With B2B eCommerce, manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers all perform browsing and ordering of products online. With digitalization across industries for a bit now, enterprises had begun inching towards it, but only pandemic could challenge them accelerate their digital transformation.  

I could not resist adding a joke on digital transformation here: who brought digital transformation to your organization? CEO, CTO, or Coronavirus just a bit of a jolly! 

As the wheel turns and B2B eCommerce experiences ever-increasing global growth, more enterprises have come to realize the perks of digital transformation. B2B eCommerce does not only drive stronger revenue but also increases efficiency and productivity. B2B commerce on DXP, Digital Experience Platform, adds the crucial benefit of personalized experience to it. 

Businesses operate in an ecosystem with suppliers, dealers, partners that are involved in the end-to-end customer journey. B2B customer journeys are comparatively long and complex. Being able to map and respond to each touchpoint of an entire customer journey is the only aim of organizations to be potentially rich with digitalization.  

It ideally comprises of a prospect happening to learn about your brand, browsing the products, deciding on to make the purchase that is, solution exploration and requirements building, going through the purchase points and process, to finally making the payment. This further leads to the post-purchase journey of retention and growth.  

Let us read along to learn about how leveraging data and analytics does DXP benefits B2B Commerce. 

Importance of B2B customer experience 

Customer experiences are incredibly valuable, the ones reflecting B2C customer journey, also more complex one, B2B customer journey. 

B2B customer relationships are long-term, unlike B2C, hence offering world-class experiences to customers can help checkmate a lot of competition. 

According to research from Avionos, 87% of B2B buyers will pay more for a supplier with an excellent digital commerce portal. And, 90% of B2B buyers will turn to a competitor if a supplier’s digital channel can’t keep up with their needs. 

Customer experiences all along the journey across every touchpoint are beyond crucial amid this digital business landscape and higher competition. Customer demands have never been greater, they interact with brands across multiple channels through various touchpoints. Consistency in customer experience becomes important here and with DXP we can offer omnichannel experiences. 

Liferay Commerce to boost an entire commerce experience

Liferay Commerce inherits the functionalities of Liferay DXP allowing businesses to leverage data and analytics to offer personalized experiences which is quite not possible with traditional eCommerce frameworks. Personalized experiences, as well as self-service experiences, are the prime ones today to grow and win the competition. 

Liferay continually evolves to offer optimized digital experiences and it puts B2B-first to offer seamless buying experiences.  

With Liferay Commerce businesses can –  

  • Track users to offer them personalized experience in return 
  • Empower users with Self-service 
  • Smooth integrations with legacy systems and other key business platforms 
  • Offer omnichannel experiences to customers to interact with the brand through multiple channels 
  • Respond to every touchpoint of an entire B2B customer journey with its capability of CMS + Portal + Commerce 

Innovative features of Liferay Commerce 

  • Catalog Management 
  • Product Management 
  • Inventory Management 
  • Pricing 
  • Customer Experience 
  • Checkout journey 

ContCentric is a digital transformation implementation company. We are a Liferay Gold Partner company. We have catered to multiple leading organizations across industries with our extensive experience in creating solutions with Liferay for more than a decade. We offer consultation to implementation to support services. Connect with us to create a robust portal solution for your organization! 

Disable a Site in Liferay and Display a Static Page Through Nginx

In our case, multiple sites are hosted on a single app server and web server(Nginx). The requirement was to disable one of the sites, and a result of hitting the disabled site should be a custom page displayed with the message that the site is unavailable.

For doing this, there are three actions to be performed:

  • Disable the app from the app server
  • Avoid it from hitting the app server form the web server
  • Display a custom static HTML page instead of the default nginx page.

To disable the site:

Disable from Liferay (App Server)

  • Login to Liferay application using the admin credentials
  • Goto Control Panel => Sites


Control panel

  • Disable the required site by clicking on three dots located besides the site and then on Deactivate.

 Disable from nginx (Web Server)

  • Login to your web server and open the terminal
  • Go to the following path: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled  or  /etc/nginx/conf.d
  • Open the config file of the specific domain you need to disable.
  • Comment the line containing proxy_pass and add the following to disable all the URLs of that domain present in the location tag:
if (!-e $request_uri) {
       	rewrite ^ / permanent;

Disable from nginx

Display a static HTML page:

  • Put your custom HTML content in index.html (This file has the default page of nginx) file present at the following path: /usr/share/nginx/html/  or  /var/www/html (Based on your server config, the location of index.html file might be in any one of the location).
  • Restart the nginx server:  sudo service nginx restart


In this tutorial, you learned how to disable a site from Liferay, where the default Nginx page is located, and how to change it by using any text editor

Significance of Consistent Customer Experience

Digitalization in commerce has propelled eCommerce to contribute the most to sustaining the momentum of the world’s economy today. Reaching customers through digital touchpoints like websites, mobile applications, and multiple others has become a dire need. But what is more important do you know? Being able to offer consistent experiences to customers through all touchpoints. 

Customer Experience is defined as the way the customer feels during all his interactions with the business/company. Customer interactions with the organizational landscape are continually changing, with the rise in digital transformation across the industries. 

Customers switch across multiple platforms during their purchase journey before making the final payment. For instance, a customer might start his purchase cycle with the web platform, and would switch to a phone because of certain interruptions, and might end his journey with a tablet or other devices.

Business presence on multiple channels has brought difficulty in offering a consistent customer experience 

Businesses have created their digital presence in multiple channels to expand their sales and increase their engagement with stakeholders included/customers. Indubitably, this digital transformation move brought many positive changes in organizations but to continually meet the ever-changing customer demands we need to bring constant innovations in our digital solutions. Above all, customer experience is incredibly valuable.  

In order to offer a consistent customer experience, robust omnichannel platforms are the solution! Liferay DXP is one of them.  

The digital experience platform of Liferay has a flexible architecture for easy and seamless integrations. This capability of Liferay allows users to complete their set of actions regardless of the device. One of the most important add-ons besides omnichannel experience is the personalized experience.  

Besides smooth integrations, we can track the behavior of users (logged-in as well as non-logged-in) to offer a personalized experience to them in return. This amalgamation of personalization and omnichannel support to the customers is beyond significant to offer impeccable experiences to the customers. 

The majority of customers today make their first interaction with business through mobile. Mobile applications can be created easily with the APIs integration with Liferay DXP. Content authoring is done on top of Liferay where the content edits are also reflected on mobile applications. This cuts the extra effort required in managing the mobile application differently. This creates a unified experience and benefits us with a single platform approach.  

With this capability of Liferay about smooth integration & interoperability, we can respond to every touchpoint in the entire customer journey regardless of the channel the customer is interacting with. 

Do you want to completely transform the way customers interact with you across the channels to offer immaculate experiences? Reach out to us today at

We at ContCentric perform appropriate assessments to design a solution to scale your business. We are a Liferay Gold Partner company. We have designed solutions for many global innovators across industries.  

Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Industries

What is Digital Transformation in Manufacturing?

Digital transformation in organizations is a complete business transformation! The primary objective of digital transformation is to achieve efficiency and quality with the help of technologies. Specifically, an ability to keep up with changing parameters of the dynamic business world like changing customer demands, the need for personalization & customization, and others to respond quickly to the competition.   

Manufacturers are reimagining business models to become more agile and adapt to constant changes in their dealers/customer behavior. Data and insights on data to perform predictive analysis play the most significant role in creating and offering personalized experiences to the customers/dealers. 

Challenges of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

  • Inappropriate voluminous data management    
  • Enterprises that have not implemented any ERP solution face challenges due to arising complexity in maintaining hefty amounts of data in Access and failed/corrupted data.  
  • This inappropriate data management leads to not being able to analyze the data to reflect and derive results or predictable insights from it.   
  • Inviting new technology and digital solutions might be the need, but many a time, it fails at integrating with the existing ones. Difficulty in integration with legacy systems is a real pain point because it can cost unthinkable to large organizations. This can be improved for simplicity with DXPs.  
  • Data Security and integrity.  
  • Difficulty in offering personalized experiences to the customers and/or dealers. 

Let us pay heed to learn about a Digital Transformation Platform called Liferay DXP that addresses the challenges discussed above and offers out-of-the-box functionalities to boost the digital transformation procedure.    

The Functionalities of Liferay DXP

Liferay functionality

Digital Transformation Solutions with Liferay DXP

  • Liferay DXP enables business digitalization with its portal solution. It is facilitated with – automation in workflow, omnichannel support, seamless integrations, and many other aspects to increase operational efficiency.   
  • It enables responding to each touchpoint of the entire customer journey to offer a personalized experience. It makes a seamless end-to-end journey.   
  • Dealers/vendors are empowered with self-service options.    
  • Data can be captured and analyzed to predict exact needs with Liferay DXP to offer personalized experiences to the logged-in as well as non-logged-in users; which would increase the conversion rate   
  • Liferay DXP is a flexible and scalable platform. It supports easy multiple integrations including seamless integration with legacy systems. 
  • Liferay follows a no-code/low-code approach to software development. This helps business users to modify and manage things easily without remaining dependent on IT. 

There are many use cases of Liferay but the following are the few that are prevalent in the Manufacturing industry

  • Customer Self-service Portal    
  • Integration Portal   
  • Dealer/Vendor Portal   
  • B2B & B2C Commerce Portal   
  • Intranet   

Fewer ways Manufacturers are benefiting from the Liferay Platform

  • Increase in website traffic manifold   
  • Accelerated time-to-market   
  • Increase in employee productivity because of digitalized workplaces   
  • Increase in user engagement and retention because of consistent and personalized experiences   
  • Quicker outcomes on numerous processes with self-service 

ContCentric is a Gold Liferay Partner, and we have implemented multiple robust portal solutions for innovators globally. Reach out to us to learn more about solutions we have implemented for our clients like Customer Portal, Dealer/Vendor Portal, KYC Portal, and many others. Get in touch today to transform your business!

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