Liferay Support & Maintenance
Offer end-to-end Liferay support to achieve stability and business continuity

The support services post-deployment are critical for applications to perform with stability. There might come unseen and unchallenged times in the dynamic business world where support services help businesses to continue without any suspensions.ContCentric provides support for the application’s stability hence the successful performance of the Liferay portal application.
We have a dedicated team that provides constant end-to-end support to overcome the blocks that the dynamic business world brings. One instance is a drastic increase in traffic on the portal, to which ContCentric can help out fix the issues by tuning the performance with its Liferay implementations. We ensure to kick any such off for efficient performance.

Support service on Liferay includes –
- Upgrade/Migration
- Performance tuning
- Debugging/ Bug fixing
- Application Monitoring
- Considering capabilities and reusability
- Personalization and customization