Liferay development services gain popularity worldwide. Here we share key features of this open-source framework to watch in the Liferay portal.

Since seven years in a row, Liferay is recognized as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals by Gartner. As an open-source enterprise portal, Liferay is robust enough to handle enterprise content management system. It offers a plethora of useful features for portal and website development along with an integration facility for themes, portlets, and web pages.

Liferay development is thriving with over 4 million lifetime downloads and ever-growing community of more than 45000 members. The Liferay-based portal can generate a high ROI over the period thanks to its performance, scalability, and user-friendly features. Liferay DXP has many custom and innovative features across both editions- community and enterprise.

Here are the most noteworthy features of Liferay portal development.

1. Portlets
It is easy to bifurcate and exclude specific portlets in Liferay DXP. It enables the web developers to exclude particular portlets from execution into multiple Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) thereby offering a greater resilience to infrastructure. This functionality is known as portlet sandboxing.

2. Simple UI
Simple UI (User Interface) remains easy-to-use for all the end-users. Liferay DXP can integrate all enterprise systems under a single and simple UI. It simplifies internal, external, and channel-based web development. In a way, enterprises can provide a smoothen workflow approval process that facilitates content addition and update. As a result, enterprises can significantly enhance productivity.

Related Reading: Why You Should Choose Liferay Development Services for Your Next Application

3. Easy Configuration
Enterprise users can configure modules, access functions, and plugins in Liferay DXP with ease. The platform enables users to implement multiple modules. Such a single-click configuration can make Liferay portal robust and customized to meet the business requirements effectively.

4. Workflows APIs Integration
As mentioned in the second point, Liferay DXP facilitates workflow management. Companies can readily leverage the benefits of Liferay DXP’s workflow APIs to integrate custom processes into portlets. Liferay development services can integrate the components of Liferay with a workflow engine to develop administrator tools.

5. Rules Engine Implementation
Drools, a popular open-source project, enables Liferay Digital Enterprise to implement a rules engine as a web app. A rules engine offers a means to separate the application’s logic from the code. When you hire Liferay developers, they can customize the portal without letting bugs to enter in the code with the help of a JSR-94 compliant rules engine. In a way, Drools enable the Liferay developers to introduce advanced personalization for your company’s stakeholders.

6. Performance Monitoring
Access of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of various resources is easier with Liferay DXP as compared to its other counterparts. You can optimize key performances after getting stats. Information like hits per page, requests per minute for portlets, and average load time. Administrators can optimize portal to manage user activities and enhance the portal’s performance.

Related Blog: Choosing Among Alfresco and Liferay

Apart from these features, the Liferay platform offers advanced features like multi-tier limitless clustering, page caching, cloud support, customizable fields, search functionality, dynamic virtual hosting, etc. It is fair to mention that Liferay is one of the most sophisticated framework portals in the market that offers plenty of business benefits. You can contact a Liferay development company to know more about Liferay features and benefits for your business.

Since inception, ContCentric has delivered many enterprise content management solutions across the world. Our in-house team of developers offers end-to-end ECM services and extensive technical support. As an emerging Liferay development company, ContCentric provides a range of services like Liferay DXP upgrade, migration, and portal development. If you are interested in giving your company a data management advantage, just drop us a line at