Alfresco is a robust platform to build a customized electronic records management system. Here is the importance of Alfresco-based records management services.

Every day, a plethora of data is generated in the corporate world irrespective of the company’s size and business model. Growing competition and increasing regulatory pressure compel the organizations to integrate an electronic records management system. This system can meet the records management-related requirements effectively while enabling you to make informed decisions on the basis of data analysis.

Records and document management system

Importance of Electronic Records Management System

There is no exaggeration in mentioning that we witness an explosion of unstructured data across the corporate sector. Documents, rich media, web and app content, corporate records, government policies, emails, and other types of content have made it mandatory for the enterprises to adopt electronic records management system.

The records system can improve your company’s data management process and assist you to strengthen the areas of data security and access.

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Why Alfresco is the best platform for building Records Management Services?

When it comes to Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Alfresco has emerged as a leader globally. Alfresco facilitates the creation, management, and sharing of files with electronic records management system. One of the best features of Alfresco RM (Records Management) is it supports any type of information. A well-known research firm Gartner has found Alfresco Digital Business Platform better than other similar platforms like SharePoint and Nuxeo.

As per the report by Gartner, Alfresco’s digital business platform can provide great customer experiences and assist companies to achieve a digital transformation.

Alfresco platform is capable of back-office processes and support integration with LOB (Line-of-Business) solutions. It also provides excellent business process application and document management system.

Talking about records management, Alfresco can score high thanks to its governance services module. It has all the features necessary to provide robust and mature electronic records management services. It also complies with a number of standards like DoD 5015.2 and VERS. What’s more, it is easy to deploy records on-premises or in the cloud.

Alfresco-based Records Management System offers the following features-

  • In-place record declaration to provide easy access to the users
  • Business rules can automate RM tasks in the background
  • Dynamic file plans to manage record folders automatically
  • Open source DoD 5015.02 Certified RM solution
  • Seamless integration with Content Services and Business Process Management suits of Alfresco.

Major aspects of Records Management Services built on Alfresco

  • Manage records from anywhere
  • Open and fully-integrated governance for content and processes
  • Easy Lifecycle administration
  • Automated management of records
  • Security, compliance, and auditing facilities
  • Ability to manage both, electronic and non-electronic records.

Be it electronic documents, images, emails, or physical records- the records management system built on Alfresco offers a scalable repository for any type of business content and corporate records.

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Wrapping Up

You need experienced professionals for developing customized Records Management solution around DoD 5015.2 certified records management platform of Alfresco. Irrespective of your company’s size and nature of the business, a reliable document management developer company can implement tailored Records Management solutions in your business system.

Alfresco can provide a solution at a much lower cost as compared to other traditional vendors without compromising on functionality and performance.

ContCentric is a leading content and document management company that offers a robust enterprise content management system to modern businesses across the world. We assist our corporate clients to grab the opportunities generated by content while enabling them to face the growing business challenges. We develop customized content management solutions using the leading platforms Alfresco and Liferay Contact Us.