User Management is one of the important functionalities which is required by each organization despite its size and industry. Managing users is one of the crucial parts of an organization in terms of managing the work, assets, and accessibility of services by each employee/user in the system.

In layman’s terms, user management can be termed as user function to describe the ability of the administrators to manage the access of the user across IT assets, devices, applications, networks, accessibility to services, etc. 

There are many products in the market providing identity management to role-based access control which are being used by top companies to manage their employees and their access. This blog is focused more on the user management functionalities of Liferay DXP which is one of the decisive modules present in any DXP product in the ecosystem. With the help of this module, an administrator can manage all the users available in the portal. 

Some of the named functionalities can be –  

  • Managing user profile
  • Creating User Groups and Organization 
  • Managing Roles and Permissions 
  • Monitoring User Action on the portal 
  • Integration with Active Directory services, Identity management software, SSO solutions, and many more. 

Liferay as a platform is very flexible in terms of managing user information i.e. from managing user details to role and permission. The roles and permissions feature of Liferay DXP is one of the paramount features where a user can be given access to a granular level such as whether an asset can be created, updated, deleted, or viewed only in terms of operation.

The same goes for the user group functionality which can be used to give access to roles and permission to multiple users in a single go.

The Liferay Monitoring feature can be used to track all live sessions on the page. This is disabled by default for production, but the admin can enable the same by setting the portal property live.users.enabled to true. 

In Conclusion  

Liferay User Management has helped many organizations in terms of managing and maintaining the hierarchy with roles and permissions attached to it. Along with this, modules can be integrated with various SSO solutions for ease of access.

We, at ContCentric, have implemented various projects where we have integrated with Azure, Google, and Open ID-compliant SSO tools.  

Enhance the user experience by centralizing access control and improving overall productivity. Help your business with our solutions to secure your business to achieve agility. Get in touch with us!